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The First Five Years offers parents and caregivers information about typical and emerging developmental milestones from birth to 5. Recognizing the important role of parents and caregivers, this resource offers strategies to support development that can easily be part of daily routines.
Hear from leaders in the field of infant and early mental health promotion. You can listen to 6 keynote lectures delivered at the 2019 Expanding Horizons conference on topics such as brain development, cultural safety, adverse childhood experience, and mindfulness.
For young children the transition to a school setting can feel exciting but also overwhelming and maybe even a bit scary. In this video and the accompanying materials, we will share some strategies to help ease this transition that can be used by parents and caregivers even before the first day of school begins!
A crying baby can feel overwhelming for any parent or caregiver. Yet, babies are totally dependent on the primary caregivers in their world to meet their needs and ensure they feel safe and secure. This video and the accompanying materials illustrate for parents and caregivers just how important it is to comfort a crying baby and how this ultimately helps an infant develop the capacity to regulate.
Young children can often feel overwhelmed by emotions, especially negative emotions, that they may experience and struggle to manage. This video and accompanying materials offer parents and caregivers an understanding of how complex emotions can be for young children and the importance of acknowledging a child's feelings and helping a child find strategies to manage these often complex feelings.
Some adult behaviours and interactions can feel frightening to young children. This video and accompanying materials offer parents and caregivers insight into the behaviours and interactions that can feel frightening for a young child, and leave a child overwhelmed and distressed.
As part of the Family Law Initiative, IEMHP has created a video series focusing on understanding infant and early mental health within the judicial system. The video series was developed to inform judges, lawyers and other legal professionals working on cases involving child protection and/or divorce.
This unique collection explores various aspects of infant mental health and trauma. Beginning with a general introduction to infant mental health, the series then explores how infants experience trauma and the impact it can have on their wellbeing and development throughout their life.
Comfort, Play and Teach Developmental Milestones is a family friendly resource that provides a general overview of development from birth to age 6 in all domains. This guide offers any caregiver strategies to support young children reach their developmental milestones and can be downloaded and shared with parents and caregivers.