Early Literacy Three Parts Series

Parent reading a book to her daughter

  Date and Time: 
Ongoing, self-paced

 Location:

 Instructor(s): 
 Dr. Melissa Pebly

 Cost:
$185.00 CAD per person


A 3-part series that explores how to support children with various developmental disabilities in developing their literacy skills. This series explores Universal Design for Learning, Shared Reading skills, and how to support families in engaging in positive literacy experiences. Whether you support multi-abled children and families, or are looking to develop literacy in young children, this webinar series will inspire new ways of embedding literacy skills in your practice with infants, young children and their families.

Learning Objectives

In this webinar series, participants will:

  • Become familiar with how shared reading can impact educational outcomes for children with disabilities and diverse learning needs 
  • Become familiar with explicit strategies to address The Big Five and early writing into programming for all children, including those with disabilities 
  • Become familiar with strategies to support the personal and cultural assets of families in emergent and early literacy intervention

Instructor Biography

Dr. Melissa Pebly is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Department of Special Education at Portland State University. Melissa teaches a range of courses across the Initial Licensure Program in Special Education, Elementary and Secondary Dual Educator Programs, and Early Childhood Special Education. Melissa’s primary interests are in providing equitable literacy opportunities through inclusive practices in schools and public library programming.


  1. To register in this training, please click on the 'Register Now' button above. 
  2. You will be redirected to the training page on our Learning Portal; 
  3. Click on the orange 'Purchase' button on the right side and it will direct you to the purchase page; 
  4. If this is your first time, please enter your account information to register an account, or you can login and continue your purchase.

Certificate of Completion

Participants will receive a certificate of completion.


$185.00 CAD per person. We accept EFT and credit card payments.

Contact Us

For any questions, please email IEMHP Learning Team at iemhp.learning@sickkids.ca.

Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion

Contact Us


Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion
The Hospital for Sick Children

555 University Avenue
Toronto, M5G 1X8
ON, Canada

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